One day our president will think...but until then...
"Bush tries to shore up support for Iraq policy
President says Iraqis more optimistic, violence 'only part of the reality'" -
I found this heading quite humorous, not only because Bush is still, after a landslide of advocacy, calling for more support both economically and politically, but more so because he is close-minded and naive enough to claim that "violence is only part of the reality."Personally, I find this very condescending towards my own intellect because this hypocritical Christian-conservative close-minded yuppie has the audacity to try and make me believe that violence is only part of the reality of life in Iraq. Furthermore, calling for more support would only escalate the violence, because if he hasn't figured it out by now, the American troops are the ones who are causing most of the violence.
Hey Bush, Death is only a Part of Life - does that mean it is minute enough to disregard?
You Fucking fool ... send your daughters over to Iraq and have them attempt to raise a family and then tell me violence is only part of the reality.
And while I am all fired up on GW, lets talk about another issue - which I will expand on in the future: Osama Bin Laden and the reasons for war. (my good friend Treeonfo also deals with this issue - )
We went to war because of 9/11 to fight a war on terror - 4 years later we have not found Osama Bin Laden, and moreover we have substanital evidence to suggest that he is is Afghanistan - interesting because I'm pretty sure we are fighting in Iraq right now.
We went to war to expel Sadam Hussein from power and restore a democracy in Iraq - first of all, what the hell does this have to do at all with either the United Nations or America? Second of all, haven't the war totals surpassed the murders of Sadam Hussein? Third of all, why aren't we in the Conga or North Korea fighting to restore democracy. Or maybe South America where unjust legal systems and drug lords control the government. Oh, nevermind, I just remembered that Iraq is the leading oil distributor in the world. Oil - the drug of presidents.
We went to war and we have accomplished basically nothing. What have we all learned today?
Operation Iraq Liberation - O.I.L. for the slow-witted.
Now I know I may not have focused my arguments on a particular issue, but this is a freewriting, anger-relieving jumble of emotions scattered on a page, and control and organization has no place in the mind. Next time you shall get something a little more restrained - I promise.
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